by Mark Biskeborn
First Published: 28 December 2005
Regardless of their religion, most Americans agree with the teachings of Christ. All main religions and even most secular philosophies reflect these principles: to seek out good, charity, tolerance, peace, and love. Christ drew his teachings from the Jewish Torah as did Mohammed when he founded Islam in the seventh century.
Blasphemous fundamentalists, however, are twisting such teachings into a knot, distorting and exploiting the meanings.

Most Americans agree –- at a rate of well over 75 percent according to most polls -- that abortion should be legal in most circumstances, but especially in cases of the mother’s health or rape. Most Americans believe that when a woman has been raped, or if she’s likely to die as a result of giving birth, terminating pregnancy should be an option. Not Jeb Bush.
Jeb Bush is pushing his neoconservative agenda while playing abortion politics. He's using a severely disabled 22-year old woman’s life for his own goals.
As in other areas, the Neo-Con Brotherhood stomps on American values. Jeb has stepped in to interfere with this rape victim’s best interests.
The woman is severely retarded and now five months pregnant. Experts say she operates at a one-year-old’s level, emotionally and mentally. Living in a special care home in Orlando, Florida, she was raped many times.
She suffers from cerebral palsy and autism; violent seizures often overcome her. These conditions make having a baby very dangerous for this young woman. She could die if she tries to deliver the baby.
The Neocon Brotherhood Takes Over
The Florida Social Services moved to appoint a guardian for her. State law requires a guardian to grant permission for the woman to receive a thorough medical evaluation. That’s when Jeb jumped in to push the neocon agenda. He fails to mention the problem of sexual predators in care centers for the handicapped.
Although the woman is severely disabled, has been raped, and might die during birthing, Governor Bush felt that the appointment of a guardian for her was not appropriate. Bush stopped the appointment of the woman’s guardian until Social Services appointed a second guardian -- specifically, a guardian for the fetus.
A Florida judge has refused to rule on Bush’s action based on legal technicalities. As a result, the unfortunate young woman, who suffers many medical problems, may not obtain proper medical care. Even if she does not die while birthing, the experience is bound to devastate her.
Time is running out. Someone must be appointed to protect this abused woman. Meanwhile, Jeb Bush occupies his time playing out the neocon fundamentalist’s policies that have nothing to do with the moral principles of most Americans.
Someone should step in and overrule Jeb Bush’s distorted sense of ethics and abuse of power. The balance of power in the political system should allow the judiciary to determine the facts in this case and decide the best course for this woman, already victimized by rapists.
We cannot allow the Neocon Fundamentalists, now the leading element in the Republican Party, to abuse this woman any further, least of all a governor who wants to play politics at the expense of a handicapped rape victim’s life. Bush is not thinking about the disabled woman. He focuses solely on his own narrow view of religious understanding. He obsesses with the fetus. In this regard, he is simply wrong and irrational.
The Rape of a Nation’s Values
America became acquainted with Jeb as governor of Florida during the 2000 election scandals over the voting that skewed mysteriously in favor of his brother, George W.
Jeb and G.W. are members of the Neo-Con Fundamentalist Brotherhood.
Jeb Bush governs Florida with an extremely twisted sense of ethics, with a blasphemous misuse of Christian morality, and with abuse of his political power. Although people have practiced abortion long before King Tut, the Bible never mentions it, doesn't even allude to it. The Bible does value life.
The Neocon Fundamentalist Brotherhood (NFB) often justifies its bizarre morality by citing the Holy Bible. However, most Americans are moderate in their religious beliefs. Not Jeb or George W. Bush.
They believe they have some special connection to God. God has chosen the Neocon Brotherhood to do HIS work. "God speaks through me," says G.W. Bush.
With God behind them, the neocons can walk all over American values even at the expense of handicapped rape victims.
Mark Biskeborn is a writer. You can email him at:
1 comment:
Danke für Deinen Kommentar! Wie findet man in Kalifornien einen Blog von Sabine Scholze aus Wolbrechtshausen, Deutschland?
Auch Deine Beiträge sind sehr interessant zu lesen - mein Englisch ist zwar nicht sehr gut, aber ich besitze ein Wörterbuch.
Freut mich, dass ein Amerikaner es wagt, sich öffentlich und sehr deutlich gegen die Bush-Brüder zu wenden!
Liebe Grüße aus dem kalten, aber sonnigen Deutschland!
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